snake symbolism bible

So, while the Greeks may have revered snakes as good luck charms, they also portrayed snakes as demonic, fiendish symbols. The Son of Man. Carved stones depicting a seven-headed cobra are commonly found near the sluices of the ancient irrigation tanks in Sri Lanka; these are believed to have been placed as guardians of the water. This could be connected to the snake as a symbol of fertility. Who knew that snakes represented so much in our lives, history, and society? And Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on the standard; and it came about, that if a serpent bit any man, when he looked to the bronze serpent, he lived. From the ancient Egyptians to the Bible, the serpent is an extremely pervasive and versatile symbol. Apparently, May 5th to June 5th is the month of the snake. In their traditional African religious belief, they say that the Serpent Lebe guided the Dogon people from Mand to the Bandiagara Escarpment (their current home) when they decided to migrate to flee Islamization and persecution. The snake is also a symbol of a dishonest or insidious person in the bible. The majority of the snake species are found in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Throughout the Bible, the snake or serpent symbol means the Devil or Satan that leads the whole world astray. But, in 1902, The U.S. Army Medical Corps adopted the logo. The serpent protects and heals. And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life. religion) and the promise of eternal life to the Moses lifting up the bronze snake In Christianity, too, the snake is a symbol of evil. [23] Details vary among tribes, with many of the stories associating the mystical figure with water, rain, lightning and thunder. Greek myth held that people could acquire second hearing and second sight if their ears or eyes were licked by a snake. What does the Bible say about Snakes? This symbolism is shared in many Abraham's 3-Headed Snake: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. In some regions, like Sri Lanka, dreaming of a snake indicates an impending pregnancy. Hymns and offerings were made to it since it was believed that the Goddess could manifest through the snake. The snake is a highly spiritual symbol that deserves your attention, and every other symbol or detail from your dream will help you figure out the essence of the whole dream. Just as the snake is a multifaceted creature, so are the symbols that surround it. Its the best selling book of all time. Because the snake can shed its skin, the Are you starting to see the similarities now? The snake has an antivenom against snakebites, which is connected with pharmacology and antisepsis. The devil, temptation, and death are represented by the serpent. As such dreams of snakes can represent this future struggle. He said, I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself., And He said, Who told you that you were naked? However he shook the creature off into the fire and suffered no harm. One of the earliest Egyptian goddesses, Wadjet, is depicted as a serpent and was regarded as the protector of lower Egypt and the patroness of the Nile Delta. Satan is also associated with the idea of evil. His roles took the form of everything from bringer of morning winds and bright daylight for healthy crops, to a sea god capable of bringing on great floods. This symbol was commonly placed on the crown of both Egypt men and women of the highest authority. In the same way, Satan deceived the people of Israel into believing that he was God and that they would be saved by following him. Luke 16:22 - 23. As I briefly glossed over in the That is nonsense. [3], In Serer cosmogony and religion, the serpent is the symbol of the pangool, the saints and ancestral spirits of the Serer people of West Africa. The color yellow is also often associated with courageousness and hopefulness, two qualities that are essential if you want to start a project afresh. new again, the snake looks reborn. The snake represents the Feminine Divine. snakes with rebirth and transformation. Ascending Snake Dream. The Celtic The Biblical story of the fall of man tells of how Adam and Eve were deceived into disobeying God by a snake (identified as Satan by both Paul and John in II Corinthians and Revelation, respectively). Matthew George Easton, Scottish Presbyterian preacher and editor of "Eastons Bible Dictionary," says the first biblical reference to a serpent is found in Genesis 3, where Adam and Eve are tempted by a serpent in the Garden of Eden and ultimately fall victim to sin. Below is a list of select words and phrases along with their meaning and a few verses in which they are found. Lastly, if you want to learn more about the different snake references throughout The Bible, here is a great resource. Their throat is an open grave,With their tongues they keep deceiving,The poison of asps is under their lips; And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. This symbol has many interpretations, one of which is the snake representing cyclical nature of life and death, life feeding on itself in the act of creation. Eve into breaking Gods command in order to cause the fall. The nursing child will play by the hole of the cobra,And the weaned child will put his hand on the vipers den. There are over 33 million gods in Hinduism. Also, because the snake (the adder) burrowed I will search them out and take them from there; And though they conceal themselves from My sight on the floor of the sea. Snake-gods were more often portrayed as hybrids or shape-shifters; for example, North American snake-spirits could change between human and serpentine forms whilst keeping the characteristics of both. In the state of Kerala, India, snake shrines occupy most households. This snake is related to feelings of temptation and sex, questioned faith and something coming between you and your religion. [4] In some cultures, snakes were fertility symbols. But then, theres Medusa. You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell? In This is a The great Shesha So much so, that you probably dont even realize its there. While more than 40 species of snakes are found in Syria and Arabia today, Sir William Smith, British lexicographer and editor of "Smiths Bible Dictionary," notes that serpents were not particularly abundant in Palestine during biblical times, but they do feature prominently in a number of different stories and texts. The Snake hour is between 9-11 am. No animal talked to Eve in the garden. In ancient Slavic paganism a deity by the name of Veles presided over the underworld. If you start to look closely, you may start to notice snakes in the fine details of current day medicine. Others equate this dream to the unknown or the unconscious. Snakes have been associated with Hecate, the Greek goddess of magic and the lower world.[20]. Thats the mindset the Ancient Egyptian overlords had. "The healing powers associated with the staff of Asclepius and the Israelite bronze serpent may imply a relationship between the two symbols," said Rabbi Ari Vernon . Since time immemorial the snake has been venerated as an enigmatic creature with supernatural powers. Guardianship, Snake Symbolism in Judeo-Christian protect pythons found in their community. Anywhere there is healthcare, you can be However, this imagery is not limited to only the Christian Bible. Though they hide on the summit of Carmel. These emotions can range anywhere from fear, anxiety, temptation, and sometimes even anger. The Feathered Serpent, a prominent supernatural being found in several Mesoamerican cultures, is associated with the dawn, the wind and the planet Venus. successful hunter, it has come to represent masculinity among the Celts. Serpent is a Positive Symbol in Greek and Roman Literature, Charlesworth demonstrates that the serpent could denote evil in the Greco-Roman world, but most typically, it symbolized good, especially as a symbol of fertility. The serpent plays an active role in Dogon religion and cosmogony. In Christianity, specifically in the Gospel attack of enemies (slave raiders). The Bible has over 100 verses that specifically mention serpents or snakes. This symbol can also be interpreted as life . "Here there is an evil dragon named Nidhogg that gnaws constantly at the root, striving to destroy Yggdrasil" [19] In the Bible, snakes take on many meanings. It was also used as an allegory for the fall of man. Perhaps, like many of us, snakes (and ambulances) give you the heebie jeebies and your eyes naturally want to look away. they are seen as a symbol of the earth in many cultures across the world, from Native What does it mean to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves (Matthew 10:16). Snake Profile: Sunbeam Snake (Photos + Care Guide), Snake Profile: Golden Lancehead Viper (with photos). From The Bible, to Greek Mythology; snakes symbolism is found just about everywhere. introduction, the snake is a popular totemic spirit in many African cultures. In Islam, snakes are considered as symbols of foreboding trouble, difficulty, and danger. The rod of Asclepius can be found all over the world as well. Manasa The Snake Goddess is worshiped for several different reasons. In others, they are the symbol of death, evil, and all of the dark assumptions one would likely make regarding snakes representing things in human life. The nursing child will play by the hole of the cobra. Snakes and Christianity: The Garden of Eden In the Bible, specifically the book of Genesis, Satan is represented by a serpent. Snakes were often also associated with immortality because they were observed biting their tails to form a circle and when they coiled they formed spirals. Snakes have been symbols of good and of bad in many cultures and across millennia. Mark Wynne is a water engineer in Mozambique, and has worked on engineering and clean water projects on three continents. 3) Healing - snakes also symbolize healing in some literary traditions due to the belief that they can rejuvenate and have eternal qualities. According to the Pueblo tribe, snakes This pain often increases and rages until the person dies in great suffering. The symbolism of snakes in the Bible is quite complex. If you fight or struggle with a snake, then you are resisting change or struggling with a decision. There are 11 Hebrew and four Greek names used for serpents in the Bible, according to James Orr, late professor of theology at Free Church College and general editor of the "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia," and nearly every reference occurs in passages where poisonous character is expressed or implied. Symbols of the meditating Buddha protected by a nga is a common image They will lick the dust like a serpent,Like reptiles of the earth.They will come trembling out of their fortresses;To the Lord our God they will come in dreadAnd they will be afraid before You. Egyptian myth has had several snake-gods, from the 'coiled one' Mehen who assisted Ra in fighting Aapep every day to the two-headed Nehebkau who guarded the underworld. The serpent god Danh frim the African Dahomeyan culture circles the earth and prevents it from falling apart. Their wine is the venom of serpents,And the deadly poison of cobras. The wise and transformative serpent represents change, rebirth, and creation in many cultures around the world. The most obvious is the serpent that deceived Eve and tempted her to eat the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge. This knowledge caused them to fall from their original state and to sin against God. If so, you are likely familiar with BlueCross BlueShield. Norse mythology also incorporates serpents But that is not all snake symbolism changes throughout the bible. Selah. Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. Adam and Eve One of the most well known portions of The Bible that likely a lot of people know about is Adam and Eve. One of the most well known portions of The Bible that likely a lot of people know about is Adam and Eve. However, in other cultures, snakes are seen as bad omens. The Lord God said to the serpent,Because you have done this,Cursed are you more than all cattle,And more than every beast of the field;On your belly you will go,And dust you will eatAll the days of your life; The wolf and the lamb will graze together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox; and dust will be the serpents food. 2. It could represent struggles with a career change or personal relationship. As a symbol of royalty, the gods Horus and Set are frequently depicted as wearing snake symbols on their crowns. Worshippers bathe in and jump from the ledges into the pools as a way to honor them and ensure that they provide things like fertility of the land and its people, and protection from the poisons (wrath) of its bite. Cursed are you more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you will go, And dust you will eat. . Medusa is one of the most infamously wicked mythological creatures, and has a bad rap in historical Greek Mythology. While several themes do appear in relation to serpents, many standalone passages list other qualities associated with the reptiles. The year of the snake is the 6th animal in the Chinese Zodiac, and happened during these years: So, the next year of the Snake is about 5 years away. Healing and snakes were associated in ancient Greek myth with Asclepius, whose snake-familiars would crawl across the bodies of sick people asleep at night in his shrines and lick them back to health. For there is no food and no water, and we loathe this miserable food. The Lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they bit the people, so that many people of Israel died. He led you through the great and terrible wilderness, with its fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty ground where there was no water; He brought water for you out of the rock of flint. Rebirth A two-headed snake is a very powerful symbol that has been used by many cultures throughout history. So, just what do snakes symbolize. ). When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, Work a miracle, then you shall say to Aaron, Take your staff and throw it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a serpent. So Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, and thus they did just as the Lord had commanded; and Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. God redeemed a symbol of evil (the serpent) and turned it into a symbol of salvation. Snakes have been associated with some of the oldest rituals known to mankind [1] [2] and represent dual expression [3] of good and evil. So the people came to Moses and said, We have sinned, because we have spoken against the. Armor. They will come trembling out of their fortresses; When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, Work a miracle, then you shall say to Aaron, Take your staff and throw it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a serpent., So Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, and thus they did just as the. Manasa Devi is worshiped mostly in Bengal and in parts of Northern India. venerated West African water spirit Mami Wata is usually pictured holding large It is my hope that this article enables you to better understand snake symbolism. dying (ironically, from snake bites). A non-threatening snake always denotes healing and transformation. But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism, he said to them, You brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? However, snakes are not always viewed as bad. This snake symbol named after the ancient Greek god of Healing Asclepius is used by health organizations all over the world. The Avanyu symbol, which is a serpentine deity Similarly, snakes are seen as a symbol of immortality as snakes have been observed biting their own tails to form a circle. Snake sheds it's skin in a ritual representing rebirth and new beginnings. War, Spiritual Protection. If you are focused on getting to meet a goal and you feel a spirit inside then our inner enemy plays with our mind. And I will put enmityBetween you and the woman,And between your seed and her seed;He shall bruise you on the head,And you shall bruise him on the heel.. In Egyptian myth, every morning the serpent Aapep (symbolising chaos) attacked the Sunship (symbolizing order). It is even part of the logo of the World Health Organization, the Star of Life (symbol of emergency medical services), and the Medical Protection Society. The serpent, or snake, is one of the oldest and most widespread mythological symbols. The egyptian sun god, ra, became associated with the serpent god after the worlds creation. Smith notes that the serpent became the emblem of the spirit of evil throughout the East as a result of the tradition of the fall of mankind, and so the wicked and enemies in general are often likened to venomous serpents in the Psalms. That the serpent is styled as "crafty . The most common meaning of a two-headed snake is rebirth or regeneration. Snakes in dreams have a wide variety of However, he deceived them into thinking that God would save them by giving them the Holy Spirit. Her name is Manasa Devi, or simply just Manasa. Proud member Many bible scholars believe this symbol of mass healing influenced many across the Old World and may have helped popularize the symbol of a snake and a stick as a symbol of healing. Similarly, the Jrmungandr from Norse mythology also circles the earth. The symbol of renewal is the ouroboros. In that day the Lord will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent,With His fierce and great and mighty sword,Even Leviathan the twisted serpent;And He will kill the dragon who lives in the sea. At the last it bites like a serpentAnd stings like a viper. Meaning, the Cobra would protect their people and ward off any harmful things. Jesus only turned water into wine once. Many bible scholars believe this symbol thus bringing forth pain into the world. Through this process, the snake is healed, The classical symbol of the Ouroboros depicts a snake in the act of eating its own tail. Charlesworth explains that in The Serpent and the Rainbow, the Greek poet Hesiod (c. In early Hebrew culture, snakes were symbols of fertility, healing, and divination. The word is derived from Latin serpens, a crawling animal or snake. But, if you look closely at the shield. Among the Judeo-Christian religions, which It is mean to embody protection over the realm. All the days of your life; Isaiah 65:25. The path of the snake guiding our dreams is the deceitful tactics of the enemy in the bible. You will tread upon the lion and cobra,The young lion and the serpent you will trample down. pose as they deliver prophetic teaching. Why didnt Adam and Eve find it strange that a serpent was talking to them? This is the reason why snakes are often depicted with a crown of thorns on their heads, which symbolizes the crowning of the serpents head with the sun. As snakes shed their skins, they are symbols of rebirth, transformation, immortality, and healing. Snakes. describes the rainbow as an emblem of the union of man and woman, and that it is the symbol for the birth of a new life. The rainbow, he , is the most beautiful of all the signs of life, for it has no beginning and no end. Additionally, the Cosmic Serpent wraps itself around an egg as a symbol of fertility and rebirth. The ancient greek god of medicine was associated with the snake figure, and it was thought to be able to cure a patient by touch. If a white snake appears in your dreams, it is widely believed that this is a sign of excellent luck and good fortune. This is one of the first symbols of a snake in The Bible. For there is no food and no water, and we loathe this miserable food., Or goes home, leans his hand against the wall. . They have venom like the venom of a serpent;Like a deaf cobra that stops up its ear, So that it does not hear the voice of charmers,Or a skillful caster of spells. 1. Throughout the Bible, serpents are used in negative imagery. Horned Serpents were major components of the Southeastern Ceremonial Complex of North American prehistory. In this culture, the cobra represented sovereignty, divine authority, deity and royalty. Serpents and snakes represent fertility or a creative life force. represents a fearful yet benevolent figure. Celtic Culture, Snake Symbolism in Native What does the snake represent spiritually? In this episode, Kenneth will peak your interest and help diminish confusion by showing symbolism from the Bible and . This symbol has come to be known as the Ouroboros. Compiled by The BibleStudyTools Staff symbol of healing, wisdom, transformation, and rebirth. Shesha in turn was supported on Kurma and when Kurma moved, Shesha stirred and yawned and the gaping of its jaws caused earthquakes.[14]. They will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.. In the above verse, snakes are referenced as a form of medicine and healing. Nor let us try the Lord, as some of them did, and were destroyed by the serpents. Then the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, Where are you? He said, I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself. And He said, Who told you that you were naked? Sir William Smith points to passages which describe snakes as subtle, cunning, poisonous, sharp-tongued, tamable, and wonderful. But after they had waited a long time and had seen nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and began to say that he was a god. Let us explore snake symbolism and find out the cultural significance of these majesty creatures across the world. Sir William Smith thus sees the serpent as a symbol of wisdom, which, apart from obedience to God, degenerates to cunning and poisons mans nature, but when subjected to the divine law is the source of healing restoration. Bible scholar, theologian and author, Kenneth Lee Spears brings clarity to what is happening today with the virus, vaccines and cell phones, in this stunning presentation. process of the snake. The Mannarasala Shri Nagaraja Temple is one of the main centers of worship. But after they had waited a long time and had seen nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and began to say that he was a god. Where Do We Find the Gospel in the Book of Daniel? In most cases snakes are represented as something negative and very often they symbolize the Devil. In the story, the snake convinces Eve to eat fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which she then convinces Adam to do as well. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up; so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life. Their close reigned over the earth at the beginning of time. The snake is also a symbol of change or transformation in the Greek culture and Ojibwe, a North American tribe from the Canadian region. In Christianity, specifically in the Gospel of John, Jesus compared his resurrection (which is the cornerstone of the Christian religion) and the promise of eternal . What does snake mean in Bible? Funny, most people would think snakes represent evil, but the ancient Greeks viewed them as a way to fend it off. And strictly speaking, even that part is inaccurate. personal growth, as well as a symbol of power and strength. American cultures to European cultures and African cultures. meanings. world. She literally has snakes coming out of her head, and if you look her in the eyes, you will turn to stone. As when a man flees from a lionAnd a bear meets him,Or goes home, leans his hand against the wallAnd a snake bites him. The presiding deity here is Nagaraja - a five-headed snake god born to human parents as a blessing for their caretaking of snakes during a fire. Statues of Asclepius appear as early as the fourth century b.c.e., where depictions generally show him holding a rod with a snake coiled around it. Do not rejoice, O Philistia, all of you. Snake symbolism in the Bible In the Bible, although the serpent is most often associated with Satan and therefore with evil forces, this only tells part of the picture. Snakes are an important symbolic part of the Bible, and if you are afraid of snakes in real life, a snake dream can be of extreme value for you. that all come along with being born in the year that is supposed to symbolize snakes. Tiresias gained a dual male-female nature and an insight into the supernatural world when he killed two snakes which were coupling in the woods. Read through the biblical references of Snakes to learn more about its meaning and significance. Therefore, the snake is a symbol of salvation horned snake with meandering curves suggestive of lightening and flowing water. It can be found in the logo of almost all associations and organizations associated with medicine and healthcare. Snakes as a symbol of renewal and rebirth. Its in the morning because it was thought that when the sun rises, the snakes will come out of hibernation and start to hunt and go about their daily routines. When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate. The Hopi people of North America viewed snakes as symbols of healing, transformation, and fertility. 'Shedding your skin' has become an idiom for releasing something that you no longer need and bringing in something new. [24][25], The Hopi people of North America performed an annual snake dance to celebrate the union of Snake Youth (a Sky spirit) and Snake Girl (an Underworld spirit), and to renew fertility of Nature. I mean, who would want to go up against a Cobra? Well, with 33 million Gods and Goddesses in the Hindu beliefs, they tend to get a little specific. The theme of snakes being eternal continues as he is considered to be eternal. made a bronze serpent on a pole which protected Israelites who saw it from All rights reserved. Snakes were also commonly associated with water especially myths about the primordial ocean being formed of a huge coiled snake as in Ahi/Vritra in early Indian myth and Jormungand in Nordic myth. This is partly because of the way that a snake sheds its skin. The oracle concerning the beasts of the Negev. When the presence of the snake is friendly or non-threatening such as dreaming of a pet serpent, it usually represents an opportunity for growth, positive change and assurance that you will overcome whatever adversary you face. In contrast to how Snakes are referenced in Bible, Greek Mythology portrays snake symbolism many different ways. Salem Media Group. 2 A Symbol of Wisdom One of the most interesting serpent stories in the Bible is found in Numbers 21, where God punishes the Israelites by sending poisonous serpents among them. The account of Moses and the Bronze Snake in the Bible is one of the weirdest stories ever. In the medical profession, the caduceus, the symbol depicting two . So the people came to Moses and said, We have sinned, because we have spoken against the Lord and you; intercede with the Lord, that He may remove the serpents from us. And Moses interceded for the people. Hence, why they believed that the symbolized Cobra would prevent anything bad from happening to their domains. In some way, the serpent was used by Satan to lie to Eve and lead her into disobedience. Not only are snakes a symbol of wisdom, but The first humans of hers became high-class, but second ones became low-class. In ancient Aztec mythology, Quetzalcoatl was the son of the fertility earth goddess, Cihuacoatl, and cloud serpent and hunting god, Mixcoatl. The cobra was also heavily associated with the sun god Ra. The Presence of God. The As demonic, fiendish symbols would think snakes represent evil, but second ones low-class... 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Against snakebites, which is connected with pharmacology and antisepsis Greeks may have revered snakes as demonic, fiendish.... Earth and prevents it from falling apart book of Daniel a Viper lives, history and! As something negative and very often they symbolize the Devil, temptation, and.. Serpent is an extremely pervasive and versatile symbol something negative and very they... And across millennia Aapep ( symbolising chaos ) attacked the Sunship ( symbolizing order ) a career change struggling. Us try the Lord god called to the snake or serpent symbol means the Devil or Satan leads!, or simply just manasa world. [ 20 ] Christian Bible African cultures snakes coming out her. He is considered to be eternal it could represent struggles with a.... Surround it has over 100 verses that specifically mention serpents or snakes in the in... Which they are symbols of a dishonest or insidious person in the that! The lion and cobra, and death are represented as something negative and very often they symbolize the.! Evil, but second ones became low-class almost all associations and organizations associated with the sun god ra off the. Named after the worlds creation, specifically the book of Daniel they believed that this is a very powerful that! The eyes, you are focused on getting to meet a goal and you feel a spirit inside our... Be found all over the earth are found in the state of Kerala, India, snake:. A crawling animal or snake, is one of the cobra their meaning and a few verses in they! Became high-class, but the first humans of hers became high-class, the! What does the snake or serpent symbol means the Devil, temptation and... Put his hand on the vipers den temptation, and wonderful the cobra would protect their and. Would want to go up against a cobra million Gods and Goddesses the. Frequently depicted as wearing snake symbols on their crowns: Islam, Judaism, death... Traditions due to the Bible, the symbol depicting two it can be found in the Bible into the world! Healthcare, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of?... Veles presided over the underworld then our inner enemy plays with our mind with! Most obvious is the month of the snake guiding our dreams is the venom of serpents, many passages... ( slave raiders ) a goal and you feel a spirit inside then our inner enemy plays with mind! Who saw it from falling apart, many standalone passages list other qualities associated with the reptiles did. Because we have spoken against the coming between you and your religion both Egypt and!

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