project management quiz 1

Adding the duration of that activity onto the ES produces the EF value: ES + Duration = EF. To create a _______ , the project manager must ensure certain processes have been completed and documentation has been created as a prerequisite to organizing work activities in the ______. The required ROR is the discount rate that results in an NPV of zero for the project. defines four primary functions the project manager will carry out in the project life cycle: Develop a master schedule of project activities Develop a proposed project budget Monitor and report the status of project activities Implement controls to ensure project activities stay on schedule and budget Profit centers The project manager learns there is a delay of a key shipment of parts. All the best! Integration (or centralization) of project management provides senior management with: Problems resulting from the uncoordinated project management systems include: The Technical Dimension (The "Science") and The Sociocultural Dimension (The "Art"). Start by selecting one path, and as the first node marks the beginning of project activities, the ES begins with a value of zero. Write well-defined tests for front-end and backend 4. These ________ included in the broader view of the project for an organization are: Requirements internal and external to the organization Stakeholder requirements Deliverable requirements Project requirements, Requirements internal and external to the organization. How each of the nine _____ is managed: scope management, schedule management, cost management, quality management, human resource management, communications management, risk management, procurement management, & stakeholder management. Project Cost Management Principles Quiz With Questions And Answers! \begin{matrix} Project Management Quiz - 30 Questions with Answers Project Management Quiz Project Management Questions and Answers: Ques. Project Management - Quiz 1 - Your test grade is 100% The professor has configured this test to allow students to: Show Questions Answered Project Management - Quiz 1 - Your test grade is 100% The. Subtract the duration of the activity from the LF value to derive the LS value for that activity: LF Duration = LS. The earliest point uncompleted work can finish on an individual work package activity. Typical kinds of costs found in a project include Which of the following choices is not one of the stages of a project life cycle? However, in the face of declining profits Werley decided to implement an activity-based costing system to help improve its understanding of customer profitability. The ______ is used to outline a high-level description of the project objective and deliverable. Process or product improvements for the organization. An activity that has no start or completion and no resources assigned in no time duration. An optimal way recognized by industry to achieve a stated goal or objective. In the ____ phase, the project team perform and complete work activities. communication. The process of calculating early start and early finish dates for each work package activity connected on a path through the network diagram of a project. 0% What is the purpose of identifying milestones? required to accomplish certain things the operation needs that are not part of the daily tasks, but require resources from within the organization. Project Management Quiz with Answers Part 1 Which of the following is not considered to be a characteristic of a project? strategic management process. 1. \text{Total selling and administrative expenses} & \text{\$ 2.000.000}\\ True False Correct This value helps an organization better understand what the present value of future money looks like to give more refinement in the project selection process. Identify the five steps involved in the managerial decision-making process. These activities (A, B, C, D) typically have no other dependency requirements, and no other activities are attached to them. Activities that can be accomplished simultaneously are called __ activities. This work package activity has been identified to have two or more immediate predecessor activities flowing to it. Ex. C) period cost Activities can be used only once within a diagram. In ______, there are four variations of paths, depending on dependency relationships: series, parallel, burst, and merge. are common to the selection process, regardless of how much actual analytical data is available: realism, capability, flexibility, ease of use, & cost. Developing a plan to manage the _____ also includes developing processes that control and validate information used in developing the project schedule. Management 4. Multinational Manufacturing Company. Each division of the operation has its own strategic plan to respond to its respective market environment and customer requirements. This model uses grading criteria to place a subjective value to a list of items of interest selected by the evaluators. _____ also can have a start but not necessarily an end. ___ have a defined start and end. This definition identifies all work activities required to accomplish a project objective. What are some of the key environmental forces that have changed the way projects are managed? _____ is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. The minimum acceptable rate of return on an investment. have a blend of both functional and projectized structures where they have traditional departments, and staff may report to functional managers or project managers, but the organization has performed many projects and therefore is comfortable with project management and project selection. ____ requires Evaluating what programs and projects should fall within the portfolio Controlling when projects and activities start and stop within the portfolio Determining critical resource and cash flow requirements forprograms, projects, and activities to support the overall objective of the portfolio Ensuring the ongoing commitments of the portfolio are met. \text{Number of electronic orders} & \text{15} & \text{0}\\ A grouping of related projects. +Chertsey Surrey. +Hybrid working (3 days on site per week) +You will be put through SC clearance. What is false concerning the financial analysis of projects? establishes one or more activities that need to be completed before the next activities connected in the network can begin. Three primary areas within the organization can have a significant influence on how projects are structured, scheduled, budgeted, and controlled, and they have to do with the organization's ___, ___, & ___. $0 $29.99. The latest point uncompleted work can begin on an individual work package activity. It is important to start at the top of the Four Stage Planning Process pyramid to select the projects that support the organizations______. There are three elements regarding _________ that the project manager will be responsible for: Identify, manage stakeholders, and manage stakeholder participation. Most organizations find that constraints at the ______ fall into the following two general categories: 1. Methods available to assist project managers and their teams, some popular tools in the time management knowledge area include Gantt charts, network diagrams, critical path analysis, and project management software. numerical; project selection that utilizes more specific numerical data gathered on the project activities. The calculation for ______ is SLK = LS ES, and for finish is SLK = LF EF. This is all required specifications defining a deliverable. This test is designed in a manner so as to offer a wide range of. \text{Other organization-sustaining costs (None)} & \text{602.000}\\ Question 8) Fill in the blank: A ______ has a clear outcome and a clearly-defined start and end date. Practice all cards. Compute the total revenue that Werley would receive from University and Memorial. employ the classic structure used to establish managerial hierarchy with the organization divided into traditional functional departments. A compilation of completed work activities to form a final product identified by the customer as accomplishing a project objective. <br><br> . Project Management Test 1 Flashcards | Quizlet Social Science Sociology Management Project Management Test 1 Term 1 / 110 A project is a series of activities and tasks that: _____________________________________________ A. The utilization of skills, knowledge, and managerial experience to effectively oversee the completion of program objectives, projects, and work activities required in the overall portfolio objective. Microsoft AZ-104: Azure Administrator Exam Prep Test. \ Write tests using JUnit, Mockito, React Testing Library, and Chakra/Selenium for end-to-end testing 5. Tools: Selenium Webdriver Test Automation, Visual Studio 2019, LINQ, TestNG, Jmeter, BDD, TDD, Jira, Microsoft Azure DevOps o Managed entire delivery of test automation of SharePoint Web Applications of CBE for 180+ complex integrated scenarios using Microsoft ADO, VS, C#, Selenium Webdriver, Data-Driven + Modular Driven BDD Framework The project's initial investment is $9.2 million. The lowest-level activity in the breakdown of a project deliverable. Structure - Functional, matrix, or projectized. & For Mobile User You Just Need To Click On Three dots In Your Browser & You Will Get A "Find" Option There. These work package activities have been identified to be in one single succession of events and have a single predecessor and successor relationship. NodeThe connection point of activities based on dependent relationships with other activities. having a means of measurement and initiating adjustments in the course of an activity to address unwanted changes to cost, schedule, quality, or risk elements that have influenced the activity. Categories. Worley gathered the data below for two of the many hospitals that it serves-University and Memorial (both hospitals purchased a total quantity of medical supplies that had cost Worley $30,000 to buy from its manufacturers):$ -Manages temporary, non-repetitive activities and frequently acts independently of the formal organization. The process of creating the ________ starts with understanding how to break up a top-level project idea (product or service) into smaller components correctly and how far these components can be broken down to understand the actual work activity at the work package level. In-house technology 2. Which cash flow technique was used to determine this? Ex. 1. Ex. Why is the implementation of projects important to strategic planning and the project manager? are more accurate and should be used as the primary tools for project evaluation and selection. Try our quick project management quiz to test your knowledge! Have a specific objective. the ___ is responsible for the following tasks: Overseeing the completion of each task Assessing potential risks and engaging in control activities that keep costs and expenditures on budget and completion on schedule Managing resource schedules to complete specified activities, the ___ generally is responsible for Selecting projects and activities to support the program objective Managing project managers Overseeing scheduling of resources and cash flow required for all projects and activities within the program Ensuring ongoing commitments of the program are met. In any case, __________ should include, at a minimum, the following: Project management tools used to break down and organize work activities Key people to interview for information Ways to accurately and effectively document information gathered Units of measure used to document the project (that is, hours, weeks, months) Scheduling estimating techniques Scheduling methodologies Tools used to monitor and measure project performance Reporting formats and protocols. Strategic plans are implemented primarily through projectse.g., a new product, a new information system, a new plant for a new product. involves relationships concerning project activities and external influences outside the project activity network that can influence an activity on the project. 1. identify the organization's current mission, goals, and strategies. Depending on how organizations utilize projects within daily operations, organizations are structured using one of three basic structures. What is NOT a major benefit of grouping projects into programs? Defining activities results in an enormous amount of information and details that need to be captured and organized to effectively create a project schedule; this task is accomplished through a ________. Project Management\ Project Management\ Flashcard Maker: Christopher Sokol 638 Cards - 19 Decks - 1 Learner Sample Decks: 1 - Project Management Fundamental Terms, 2 - Project Management Environments, 3 - Project Manager Role Show Class Project Management Professional (PMP) Project Management Professional (PMP) Flashcard Maker: Younes Boukhaffa Identified risk events concerning an activity can influence the start of an activity, its characteristics, or its overall duration. one of many kinds of tangible by-product produced during the development of software. is usually a much larger-scale compilation of project documentation, environmental factors, organizational processes, and all other documentation required to establish boundaries around the processes performed during the project life cycle. Property taxes on a company's factory building would be classified as a(n): Actual numerical data such as size, quantities, temperatures, and financial data can be used more accurately to objectively assess projects for selection. A person who focuses on long-term goals and big-picture objectives, while inspiring people to reach those goals. This is the fifth of six courses that will provide you the knowledge and abilities you need to apply for entry-level project management positions. __are unique, have a start and stop, and employ a single objective. The SICC Review Course is designed to help prepare you for the certification exam using proven instructional design techniques and interactive learning tools. Any primary risks that could have a significant impact on the project budget or schedule. This plan, in general, outlines what information is to be effectively and efficiently transmitted, how and when that is accomplished, and who are the appropriate recipients. Human resources required to perform the activity. Select all that apply. typically have a well-refined and efficient project selection process because projects are routinely evaluated as the major component of the organization's business. Organizations that are structured for projects might have some of the traditional departments such as human resources, accounting, and engineering as supporting functions, but they operate solely off the structure of projects where project managers have complete authority. Some activities may be dependent on prior activities being completed; these activities have to be completed before another activity can be started. was originally developed by DuPont Inc. during the same time frame as PERT; it is used primarily in the construction industry because project managers have found it easier to estimate activity durations. The person who provides the direction and the funding for the project. have a blend of both functional and projectized type structures where the organization may have traditional departments and employees reporting to functional managers, projects are still a large part of the organization's business, and employees spend portions of their time on projects and other parts of their time performing work activities for the functional department. ___are less unique, have a start, but might not necessarily stop unless the organization no longer has a requirement for that product or service. A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. A person who provides leadership and direction for the project managers heading the projects within the program. The person responsible for working with the project sponsor, the project team and other people involved in a project to meet project goals. \end{array} Questions and Answers 1. Master's degreeWind Power Project management (1-year) 2021-2022. is simply the expected profit from a project investment. Two processes are used to evaluate work activities for_______; they are called the program evaluation and review technique (PERT) and the critical path method (CPM). Project management maturity of the organization 2. Proactively identifying high-probability and high-impact _____ events simply means identifying them and having a plan of action ready in case they occur. This process starts at the end of the network diagram and works its way from right to left, starting with the last node and following the arrows backward through all predecessor items. Collaborate with other teams at the organization. This is all processes required to define, implement, monitor, control, and close project activities. Worley Company buys surgical supplies from a variety of manufacturers and then resells and delivers these supplies to hundreds of hospitals. After the network diagram is complete and the project has begun, information about each activity needs to be updated and may result in changes to activity relationships, durations, activity float/ slack, and the critical path, which can result in updates to the overall duration of the project. *Find all horizontal and vertical asymptotes. The project manager defines what tools can be put into place to conduct ______ identification, analysis, prioritization, and contingency development and implementation. \end{matrix} This process starts at the beginning of the network and moves through all paths to the completion of each path. Today, we'll publish the complete week's worth of quiz answers from Coursera's Agile Project Management course. are individuals who have either knowledge or experience of specific details pertaining to the project and/ or product or service deliverables. The return available by investing the capital elsewhere. A relationship wherein a successor activity cannot start until a predecessor activity has finished. $$ In the______, stakeholders generate two primary documents: the project charter and stakeholder registry. To decide whether a project is feasible and should continue at the beginning, key individuals should complete the following seven general elements during the ______: Identify a need, problem, or opportunity Define the project scope Identify a project objective and deliverable Determine general estimates of cost, r roject Lifecycle (FT Press Operations Management) (p. 27 stakeholders Assign a project manager Commit initial financial resources required to complete the objective. The type of ______ can be defined in general forms such as the following: scheduling, work activity, spending, contract negotiation, change control, & risk contingency. C. A project manager, project team, stakeholders D. Contract and SLA. The customer in this scenario would ask a specific organization to give price and availability of the product or service, including the modifications; this is called a ____. The following definitions help clarify two commonly misused terms in _______: project management plan & project plan. In the test strategy document your organization declares: to adopt a V-model development lifecycle, with three formal levels of testing: unit, integration and system testing to use a blended risk-based and regression-averse testing strategy for each level of testing. <br/>A total of 35.7% (2,409/6,751) of . The process of determining whether an organization requires a formal project management process is usually accompanied by a set of questions. Conducts project management, including establishing reporting requirements, task progress, and deliverable due dates. the length of a project and the value of money at that point in time. John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. Five basic elements of project selection models. Project Quality Management (PMP) Quiz Quality, Si| 10 random questions are presented each time you take this quiz. A relationship wherein a successor activity cannot finish until a predecessor activity has finished. _______ can also reveal lessons learned, which can be important in defining requirements and avoiding errors made in the past. The grouping and managing of projects and programs as a portfolio of investments that contribute to the entire enterprise's success. To help organize this information, the project manager can use a simple tool called the _______. Below is a project management exam test for students! Project portfolio management addresses ____ goals of an organization, while project management addresses ____ goals. The CORRECT statement of project management answer choices The goals are closely related to broad strategic organization goals Provides people with a powerful set of tools that improves their ability to plan, implement, and manage activities to accomplish specific organizational objectives High-level plan providing guidances Within the _____ plan, processes need to be established to manage how to define, validate, and control scope. Some of the questions include: Are the tasks complicated? Learn and implement code using Spring Boot, Hibernate/Spring JPA, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB 3. Estimate of time required to complete the activity. Authorization for scheduling falls under two general categories: human resources and facilities or equipment. are typically used at a higher level to group multiple programs and can include individual projects and single activities that might be unrelated but are managed within the portfolio. School Florida Institute of Technology Course Title BUS 5113 Type Test Prep Uploaded By terrydean1127 Pages 19 Ratings 100% (26) Now that the initial idea of the project or charter has been approved, more specific details of work activities can be identified and sequentially categorized into work packages and documented in a work breakdown structure. \text{Number of deliveries} & \text{10} & \text{25}\\

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project management quiz 1