lunenburg population 2017

WebThe population density of Lunenburg County, VA was 29 in 2017. Shelter costs for owner households include, where applicable, mortgage payments, property taxes and condominium fees, along with the costs of electricity, heat, water and other municipal services. It is approximately 4km2 with 1,296 dwellings. 'Principal applicants' includes immigrants who were identified as the principal applicant on their application for permanent residence. Includes unemployed persons aged 15 years and over who have never worked for pay or in self-employment, or who had last worked prior to January 1, 2020. (table). Populations used for computing death rates for 20112016 are postcensal estimates based on the 2010 U.S. census. In the 2021 Census of Population, data on admission category and applicant type are available for immigrants who were admitted to Canada between January 1, 1980 and May 11, 2021. In the 2021 Census of Population, the geographic location refers to a country or area of interest if the person was born outside Canada. Immigrants who have obtained Canadian citizenship by naturalization are included in this group. Registered Indians are persons who are registered under the Indian Act of Canada. Estimates are not comparable to other geographic levels due to methodology differences that may exist between different data sources. Non-migrants are persons who did move but remained in the same city, town, township, village or Indian reserve. The full name of Hong Kong is the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China. In the context of census families, total income refers to receipts from certain sources of all of its family members, before income taxes and deductions, during a specified reference period. The household after-tax income is adjusted by an equivalence scale to take economies of scale into account. Population profile - total, rate of change, age, and density. With the guidance and support of such research, the 2021 Census expanded the coverage of the LIM concept to all regions in Canada, making it the only low-income concept that is applicable to the population living in the territories and on reserve. Condominium status refers to whether the private dwelling is part of a condominium development. Manage Settings Average incomes of individuals are calculated for those with income (positive or negative). For more information on citizenship variables, including information on their classifications, the questions from which they are derived, data quality and their comparability with other sources of data, please refer to the Place of Birth, Generation Status, Citizenship and Immigration Reference Guide, Census of Population, 2021. Briefly, two-stage hierarchical models were used to generate empirical Bayes estimates of county age-adjusted death rates due to drug poisoning for each year during 19992015. In the 2021 Census, the child eligible for instruction in the minority official language is younger than 18 years of age on December 31, 2020. For information on the comparability of the 2021 Census labour force status data with those of the Labour Force Survey, see Appendix 2.11 of the Dictionary, Census of Population, 2021. H[) C*q The abbreviation "n.o.s." Full-year full-time workers - Persons aged 15 years and over who worked mostly full time (30 hours or more per week) and full year (49 weeks and over per year) in 2020. The reference period for these variables is calendar year 2019. WebThe estimated population of Lunenburg, Massachusetts is 1,728 people, with a population density of 452 and a median age of 42.5. means "not otherwise specified." The relatively high shelter-costs-to-household income ratios for some households may have resulted from the difference in the reference period for shelter costs and household total income data. 2. Veterinary medicine, veterinary science, veterinary technology, and veterinary administrative support services, which were included in series '51. If the person no longer understands the first language learned, the mother tongue is the second language learned. A person can report more than one language as "spoken most often at home" if the languages are spoken equally often. means "not otherwise specified." County geog, WAOFM - Census - Population and Housing, 2000 and 2010, Choose Maryland: Compare Counties - Demographics, Deer Tick Surveillance: Adults (Oct to Dec) excluding Powassan virus: Beginning 2008, WAOFM - Census - Population Density by County by Decade, 1900 to 2010, NCHS - Drug Poisoning Mortality by County: United States, Deer Tick Surveillance: Nymphs (May to Sept) excluding Powassan virus: Beginning 2008. means "not otherwise specified." Immigrants who have obtained Canadian citizenship by naturalization are included in this group. Nymph deer ticks are individually tested for different bacteria and parasites, which includes the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease. Bedrooms refers to rooms in a private dwelling that are designed mainly for sleeping purposes even if they are now used for other purposes, such as guest rooms and television rooms. Il bando ha l'obiettivo di promuovere la crescita inclusiva, di rafforzare l'occupabilit e la permanenza in azienda. This dataset describes drug poisoning deaths at the county level by selected demographic characteristics and includes age-adjusted death rates for drug poisoning from 1999 to 2015. For example, this issue is known to affect New Jersey in 2009 and West Virginia in 2005 and 2009 but also may affect other years and other states. Value (owner estimated) refers to the dollar amount expected by the owner if the asset were to be sold. 'Refugees' includes immigrants who were granted permanent resident status on the basis of a well-founded fear of returning to their home country. h265W0P06P05R Acceptable housing refers to whether a household meets each of the three indicator thresholds established by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation for housing adequacy, suitability and affordability. When the unadjusted after-tax income of household pertaining to a person falls below the threshold applicable to the person based on household size, the person is considered to be in low income according to LIM-AT. Students often work after school at a location near their school. Citizenship can be by birth or naturalization. QuickFacts data are derived from: Population Estimates, American Community Survey, Census of Population and Housing, Current Population Survey, Small Area Health Insurance Estimates, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates, State and County Housing Unit Estimates, County Business Patterns, Nonemployer Statistics, Economic Census, Survey of Business Owners, Building Permits. The abbreviation "n.o.s." The geographic location is specified according to geographic boundaries current at the time of data collection, not the geographic boundaries at the time of birth. 'Age at immigration' refers to the age at which an immigrant first obtained landed immigrant or permanent resident status. Refers to the status of a person with regard to the place of residence on the reference day, May 11, 2021, in relation to the place of residence on the same date five years earlier at the provincial level. Some estimates presented here come from sample data, and thus have sampling errors that may render some apparent differences between geographies statistically indistinguishable. Also included are rooms used as bedrooms now, even if they were not originally built as bedrooms, such as bedrooms in a finished basement. The abbreviation "n.o.s." means "not otherwise specified." 2013. ", In 2021 Census analytical and communications products, this category is referred to as "the rest of the population.". The components used to calculate total income vary between: In the context of persons, total income refers to receipts from certain sources, before income taxes and deductions, during a specified reference period. The abbreviation "n.o.s." means "not otherwise specified." For renter households, shelter costs include, where applicable, the rent and the costs of electricity, heat, water and other municipal services. 'Housing suitability' assesses the required number of bedrooms for a household based on the age, sex, and relationships among household members. This category includes responses indicating Dene origins, not otherwise specified (e.g., "Dene"). A household is deemed to be living in suitable accommodations if its dwelling has enough bedrooms, as calculated using the NOS. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. These variables are intended for comparison with their 2020 equivalent and other 2019 income variables. 5- Population Age Change from 2011 to 2016. 11350480015 | Il marchio e regolarmente registrato, e tutti i contenuti sono di proprieta esclusiva della Studio Clarus. The population count of Lunenburg, VA was 126 in 2017. Refers to whether a person aged 15 years and over was employed, unemployed or not in the labour force during the week of Sunday, May 2 to Saturday, May 8, 2021. Tenure refers to whether the household owns or rents their private dwelling. This category includes immigrants who had an asylum claim before admission as a landed immigrant or permanent resident. This category includes responses indicating North African origins, not otherwise specified (e.g., "North African"). Population and housing information extracted from decennial census Public Law 94-171 redistricting summary files for Washington state for years 2000 and 2010. Figure 6 - Comparison of Population by Age for 2011 and 2016. Some refugees were in Canada when they applied for refugee protection for themselves and their family members (either with them in Canada or abroad). means "not otherwise specified." means "not otherwise specified." Age-adjusted death rates (deaths per 100,000 U.S. standard population for 2000) are calculated using the direct method. It excludes persons with non-Indigenous ancestry. 14,379. For the census, Gini coefficients are calculated for three types of adjusted household incomemarket income, total income and after tax income. As part of this commitment, some population counts of geographic areas are adjusted in order to ensure confidentiality. More information on the variables related to instruction in the minority official language, including definitions, concepts and classifications, the questions from which they are derived and data quality can be found in the Instruction in the Minority Official Language Reference Guide, Census of Population, 2021, and the Minority language educational rights: Technical report on changes for the 2021 Census. Differences are expected to be minimal, and may result from different county boundaries used in this release (see below) and from the inclusion of an additional year of data. It is further assumed that they are more relevant to the concept of wealth than the concept of income; employers' contributions to registered pension plans, Canada Pension Plan, Qubec Pension Plan and Employment Insurance; voluntary inter-household transfers, imputed rent, goods and services produced for barter and goods produced for own consumption. Average income - The average income of a specified group is calculated by dividing the aggregate income of that group by the number of units in that group. Therefore, a special category, 'dwelling provided by the local government, First Nation or Indian band,' has been created for census purposes. This category includes persons who identify as only one Indigenous group, that is First Nations (North American Indian), Mtis or Inuk (Inuit). means "not otherwise specified." 'Not Canadian citizens' includes persons who are not citizens of Canada. Comparisons to previous census data is not recommended for the Other languages used regularly at work variable. Given that the non-binary population is small, data aggregation to a two-category gender variable is sometimes necessary to protect the confidentiality of responses provided. This dataset includes population estimates for each Virginia locality by year, age group, sex, race and ethnicity. 'Multiple Indigenous and non-Indigenous ancestries' includes persons who have two or more of First Nations (North American Indian), Mtis and Inuit ancestries, as well as non-Indigenous ancestry. Different vintage years of estimates are not comparable. WebThe population count of Lunenburg, MA was 1,955 in 2017. This category includes responses indicating Southern or East African origins, not otherwise specified (e.g., "East African"). 2014. Households below and above the thresholds are based on the indicators for which individual households can be assessed. This category includes responses indicating Arab origins, not otherwise specified (e.g., "Arab"). Different vintage years of estimates are not comparable. These annual county-level estimates borrow strength across counties to generate stable estimates of death rates where data are sparse due to small population size (3,5). employment income from wages, salaries, tips, commissions and net income from self-employment (for both unincorporated farm and non-farm activities); income from investment sources, such as dividends and interest on bonds, accounts, guaranteed investment certificates (GICs) and mutual funds; income from employer and personal pension sources, such as private pensions and payments from annuities and registered retirement income funds (RRIFs); other regular cash income, such as child support payments received, spousal support payments (alimony) received and scholarships; income from government sources, such as social assistance, child benefits, Employment Insurance benefits, Old Age Security benefits, COVID-19 benefits and Canada Pension Plan and Qubec Pension Plan benefits and disability income.

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lunenburg population 2017