trees dying from chemtrails

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By Jim Robbins October 12, 2015. so, photosynthesis has been inhibited and it is during the photosynthesis process that plants intake carbon birds and animals have been dying in record numbers. Unfortunately, aluminum and barium are toxic to humans. The Chemtrail Crisis An Overview and Update Source, by Amy Worthington, Idaho Observer. Makes about as much sense as the war on terror while the borders remain wide open. This is a taxpayer-funded assault on the earth for the sake of a weather weapon; because weather modification attempts only backfire and make things worse. The first time I looked at my blood it took me weeks to get over it and look again. On top of the metal particulates removed by me in our air, photographed in my blood and electrolyzed from my urine, we have plastic components (photo degrading at this very moment and present everywhere) of microscopic size, capable of geometric pattern regeneration and replicative / self survival behavior. If you wont do it for yourself, do it for your family, your children.Just been released is the 2nd video which has been put together by Micheal J Murphy. A well put together video and if you are unsure about this, be sure to watch that.Absolute prime websites to look at are:www.geoengineeringwatch.org just to name a couple, watch, learn, listen to what is going on, in the real world. By now youre probably thinking Ill just drink more water and flush this metal stuff out, which would normally really help, except try this, electrolyze a glass of your tap water and remember this process will only remove the metals (ionic salts) in your tap water All metal is poisonous, heavy or not, in high doses and outside evolutionary time parameters. Its about 6-8 mo old and has not been used since the summer. To sin by silence makes cowards of all men. When it blooms thousands of honey bees would swarm it for weeks. Its been proven that plants extract most of their mineral content from the air not from the soil as once was believed. No one loved Christmas more than I did. Other trees planted this year are also suffering such as the newly planted hybrid poplars which are supposed to be vigorous, hardy and fast-growing trees. Hapless populations sprayed continually with these substances are bound to exhibit symptoms of neurological damage and chronic illness. Spread some on a slide, let cool and then rub all over your forearm. It is no secret that Americas military-industrial megalith is secretly altering earths atmosphere in frightening ways. Scientists are coming out of the shadows because of the serious oberservations they are witnessing. He thought about it for a while and, looking puzzled, said, "No." Project Cloverleaf Chemtrails and their Purpose Particulates make directed energy weapons work better. Well, now that you mention it, that does sound very governmental. This brings to mind the movie the Matrix and I wonder if and/or how they knew. I have read that chemtrails actually cause global warming by preventing radient surface heat to dissipate back in to space. He immediately recognized some of the aircraft in the photos as C-130 cargo planes. When these shells are created using the oscillating, electromagnetic, gyrotron stations, it excludes and displaces the background magnetic field. Read The Deliberate Dumbing Down of AmericaNow a free E-Book. Your time would be better spent digging a bunker for when the nukes start flying. Suppress Coughs by Coating the Throat inChocolate? CHEMTRAILS AND MORGELLONS ITS WORSE THAN YOU THOUGHT. Find out how chemtrails adversely affect your health. They do not dissipate rapidly, they can be warming supposedly caused by too much co2, really impedes plants from absorbing co2. Then, they make an aluminum-plasma generated by zapping the metal cations that are in the spray with either electromagnetics from HAARP, the gyrotron system on the ground [Ground Wave Emergency Network], or space-based lasers. Problems cannot be solved unless one knows they exist. (6500 ft elev.) of Ariz. since 2005 and created an entire photo blog of one years observations at least 50 hrs a week that commenced in Dec 2005. I started looking at the collected water with an old microscope in early April by drying about 30 drops on a microscope slide and saw immediately what appeared to be what Id seen coming from Morgellons patients on the web. Ive been actively photographing the aerosol spraying above the White mountains. Chemtrails are not real you dopes. Store clerks and others seem to suffer from these same neurological symptoms as well. An unusual chemical smell was in the air, that was noticed by others as well, that smelled like a pesticide. Or, you need to be up and above the field of battle. Imagine how fast it would evaporate at six times that. The purest form of science is observation and after hundreds of hours of observations I can say without hesitation: Houston we have a problem !!. People like George Soros, IMF's Christine . Thus far, congressional Reps answer angry inquiries with canned recitations that chemtrails are nothing but contrails that form when hot jet exhaust mixes with atmospheric air of low vapor pressure and temperature. the rain or from the rain falling onto the leaves, I cannot say. The chemtrail conspiracy relies on a poor understanding of science. I set up another testing station 300 miles away which yielded the same results. No.they must be spraying (even though there are NO spray nozzles on the aircraft) chemicals in the air, because as every good conspiracy theorist who believes everything they read on the internet knows, the internet is pure truth and there are never any such things as internet hoaxes. Ive not just photographed the spraying but the morphing of this substance into clouds of a fibrous nature and other bizarre cloud formations not found in early/ANY cloud textbooks. There are many causes for declining pine tree health. How could a supposed operation of this proportion go on for decades and nobody pop out of the woodwork with indisputable proof that it is happening?? Lana Del Rey Chemtrails Over The Country Club Lace Front Wig | Lana Del Rey Wig | Blonde Highlight Lace Wig | Drag Queen Wig | Best Seller Price: $180.44 Original Price: $200.49 and now the mysterious loss of trees. All Rights Reserved. We get an Her blog is Yoga for the New World. or near wi-fi systems. Dead trees burn more readily than healthy trees and greatly contribute to the California wildfires. This chemtrail type may also contain aluminum, although its "pasty" consistency may indicate that something else is present as well. Summary Fruit and nut bearing trees provide food for us, and thousands of trees provide medicinal compounds that can tackle everything from halitosis to cancer. My bugers may somehow be the cause. Most of the insects are GONE and trees DEAD everywhere ! Stop the insanity. They also are using the chemtrails to spread viruses to cause a fair number of flu deaths. I began spending hours every night and every weekend on the microscope looking at these bizarre growths. If we are to believe Prestodos rationale, that chemtrails are only present on high humidity days, then before 1984 we never had any high humidity days because before 1984 chemtrails were never seen. Not only are they risking their lives, there heart rates will be cranking hugely and with that, heavy breathing.. \"See the point i am trying to make here? The tiny fibers will stick to this glue stuff and if you dont believe thats Morgellons fibers wait a few months and look at it again. dioxide and make oxygen. The fibers they call Morgellons increase in about 6 mo. Ezekiel Cheever,1757 Aaron Burr, Sr.,1767 Isaac Backus,1774 Samuel Langdon,1788 Benjamin Gale,1793 Samuel Hopkins,1794 Samuel Osgood,1794 William Linn-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Little Horn - Papacy-Book of Revelation Chapter 13 Beast from the sea - Rome-Antichrist,Man of Sin - Pope of RomeBiblical Expositors of the Early Medieval Periodd. He says that the trees he sees are not suffering from SOD, or sudden death syndrome. You said they settle to the ground. With robust designs and vintage classic style, discover the heritage of military timepieces today! Chemtrails. Lets summarize, they spray the stuff, deny theres a problem, energize it which heats it, they blame it on us and our activity and tell us we need to give them more money to combat the problem they are continuing to create. There is no cure. Chemtrails are geo-engineered aerosols that are loaded with toxic chemicals, including but not limited to: barium, strontium 90, aluminum, cadmium, zinc, viruses and "chaff.". But its still inside too. Thefoliage of our treesis looking sick and damaged all over the US. Its that bad. Spray and Zap. At any rate I set up another testing station and decided to run this one for two weeks and not electrolyze the water. This has yielded new synthetic model organisms different from the rest. Again, people bring these problems to the table, demanding we need to something to stop it, but provide no viable suggestions to resolve them. My hopes for the future destroyed and the realization that everyone from here to Idaho has been infected with this heinous man made creation (type morgellons into you tube) has become a reality. 3 degrees Fahrenheit every 1000 feet above sea level. This website wouldn't be the same without the ethical web hosting provided by Modern Masters. A new source for morg fibers was found in an old paper wick inside our humidifier. If so youre in trouble as we all are. Ive always had to watch the weather to protect the crews and equipment and complete the task at hand. Dead Torrey Pines w/chemtrails. Play with this stuff, (wear gloves youll feel better) find something it reacts to, sulfur, garlic, baking soda, glue, static electricity, kerosene, ammonia, chaparral extract, etc. Pines typically do not recover from episodes of stress. Unprecedented warming in the region is jeopardizing the future of a critical ecosystem that makes up nearly a third of the earth's forest cover. (Revelation 18:1-8) KJV BibleDuring the Reformation this is what most Preachers taught regarding Antichrist1522 Martin Luther,1536 Jean Calvin,1543 Phillip Melanchthon,1545 Andreas Osiander,1554 Nicolaus von Amsdorf,1558 Johann Funck,1560 Virgil Solis,1570 Georg Nigrinus,1572 David Chytraeus,1530 Johann Oecolampadius,1557 Heinrich Bullinger,1550 William Tyndale,1545 George Joye,1554 Nicholas Ridley,1553 Hugh Latimer,1582 Thomas Cranmer,1550 John Bale,1562 John Jewel,1587 John Foxe,1547 John Knox,1593 John Napier,1614 Thomas Brightman,1618 David Pareus :-Antichrist,Man of Sin - Pope of Rome-Book of Revelation Chapter 17 Harlot,Babylon - Roman Catholic Church-Book of Daniel Chapter 7 the Little Horn -- PapacyAfter the Reformation this is what most Preachers taught regarding Antichrist1798 Richard Valpy,1798 Joseph Galloway,1798 Edward King,1797 David Simpson,1796 Christian Thube,1795 George Bell,1794 Joseph Priestly,1793 James Bicheno,1768 Johann Ph. I have read highly classified briefings that give the reasoning behind chemtrails. This thing assembled itself quite quickly in about two weeks from about the size of a pin head to its current size about 1 1/4 in long. About four months later I asked if hed found out anything, and this was the story she recounted. Gases could not striate like this, and what goes up, well you know, Newton was right. This would explain the DNA of insects and plants that have been isolated in infected humans. 1-400,000. Praesidus brings homage to the military watch tradition. The exhaust of an aircraft contains both gas (vapor) and solid particles. I saw a neighbor who cuts a lot of lawns in the neighborhood the other day and asked if he'd seen any this year. removal from the atmosphere and lessens the amount of oxygen created for us. The tree is in serious trouble if the newest leaves at the tips of tree branches are dropping. This creature / thing has no discernable biology as we know it and appears made of perhaps silicone only. The technical names for vertical and horizontal plasma columns are columnar focal lenses and horizontal drift plasma antennas. Youll likely find them to be all lies!!! once or twice a week (at best). Geometric crystal growths, snowflake designs, Morgellons fiber growth, mold looking fibril growth with sporulations. No wonder these fires produced massive heat, massive and destructive damage. How many Amish and Pennsylvania Dutch un-vaccinated children have autism, in one clinic after 2,200+ children? Blood should contain not much more than red and white blood cells. The truth is the side effects of chemtrails on our ecosystem are becoming more prominent and the dire warnings are all around us. Ill say ! and microwaves work in conjunction with the chemtrails. Ungulates don't fly planes, come on. Source . take a guess. The Mind of James Donahue. After the dust settles there won't be much left to be concerned with. Revelations From A Man Who Helped Design Morgellons Disease, Morgellons Syndrome And What You Can Do About It. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Dead trees burn more readily than healthy trees and greatly contribute to the California wildfires. Box 378 Red Hook, New York 12571 United States. Every living thing on the planet is currently being colonized by these artificial life forms, to what end is not known. They are dangerous to our health and environment. Coal fly ash as an accelerant. The fibers accommodating the effort by moving out of the way. The truth of the matter is that toxins are being sprayed that may or not be killing our trees. Then again youve made it apparent you have no ability to use logic and reason when making a conclusion. The DARK ACT is Back. Be cautious to whom you tell, dont upload on your hard drive or transmit electronically or be on a computer hooked to the net. NY: DAILY CHEMTRAILS Feb and March 2015 photographed and shared all over; PEOPLE WANT THIS TO STOP! 10, How many days can a rat survive on just water? God save us. 339 Eusebius of Caesarea,373 Athanasius of Alexandria,c. I placed videos about this 5+ years ago on You Tube, SOD Sudden Oak Death, Phytophthora ramorum has now entered global food supplies as Phytophthora infestans, it killed 1/6th of the world back in 1850s. The amount of chemical that would be required to affect just a few square miles exceeds the capacities of most aircraft. I proved this in myself with only a pretty good digital volt meter. Whats their solution? Its not only Hinze, all dams will slowly start showing signs of death, this is happening globally.If you know nothing of chemtrails, geoengineering, aerosol spraying, its about time you opened your eyes, looked up and took notice of what is so obvious when looking towards the sky. Trees are absolutely vital to human and animal life; they provide shelter, shade, clean air, and also keep soil from eroding. The US Corporate government seeks to roll over its payments past the deadline. Trees are dying, are we Next outspoken Redding, CA-based Chemtrail activist Justin Timbers rest of --! I had a friend recently diagnosed with what was described as a rare form of blood cancer. How do we stop something that they continue to deny is even exists. How could we be so blind see all the above, its been by design. The chemtrail sprays have various elements in them like carbon which can used to absorb microwaves. Perhaps independent studies void of governmental duress, threats, manipulations, would show this with soil, water, and ring samples. Make no mistake, the elites probably have the cure. I laid it sticky side skyward and left it outside overnight. to recover and about 3 months later a Doctor named Patricia Doyle called the Rense program with the same exact story (type in amnesiacs). Negative traits are amplified and many law enforcement personnel who enjoy domination over others will worsen, and they are likely to become more brutal. The highly reliable Wikipedia defines Chemtrails as long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft that are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed for sinister purposes undisclosed to the general public. Believe me, I understand the allure of Christmas. Scalar energies can be utilized in hand-held military guns and on tanks. This stuff has reduced our sunlight compared to two years ago, as I set a light meter then and it now measures a decrease in light of about half. Spoofer sprays. Trees harvested during thinning may be sold as logs if they are still in good condition, or used for firewood. Segmented silicone nano tubes and nano feathers (see Cliff Carnicoms photos and work), always Morgellons fibers etc. 10-16 at least. 4 Comments: At 1 August 2015 at 02:24 , Anonymous said. all life on earth dies. I also have trees growing in my front yard and back yard. When scratching it, it bled easily and seems somewhat similar to the description given by Cliff Mickelson. (watch documentary endgame). It is obvious they The dead trees in the Idaho and Wyoming forests is just mind blowing to see..Millions of them. They are also photographing gas plasma generation due to the heating of chemtrails by electromagnetics. of Ariz. since 2005 and created an entire photo blog of one years observations at least 50 hrs a week that commenced in Dec 2005. They can retain this programming down to the nano-tech level as they degrade. I have been researching Morgellons for many years and infested since 2011. Place inside and on the side of a clean closed jar with just a tiny bit of moisture in the jar and let sit for 48 hrs. This suggests A.I. Contrail formation is based on altitude, temperature, and moisture. A file photo of a forested area in Lake Tahoe. We Need Your Help to Stop It and Protect our Rights! Yeah Right What ever. Required fields are marked *. Whats the average IQ loss of vaccinated participants in the U.S.? Why is it that on low humidity days there are no chemtrails, but on high humidity days there are chemtrails?? I really had thought the story was a hoax quite frankly, but know now otherwise. The Temporal Power of the Pope is obvious, Cardinal Egan sitting before his two puppet Candidates. The starfish looking things of multiple leg design remain a current fascination. It looks like solar burning or freezing, but it is actually chemtrail damage. Skin photos: How many now after reviewing all the evidence above believe that global warming (and poisoning) is man made, well it is, and they are called pilots (your tax dollars again at work). These unfortunate victims usually present with the following symptoms: Read Next: One Man Tricked The Chemtrails Conspiracy Crowd! Most of these observations were made outside a small town (approx pop. All species and life forms are under deliberate, multiple attack. Trees can be easily stressed. Some of these sprays have metal flakes in them that make aerial craft invisible to radar. The web should be old and dirty to some extent but neednt be real dirty. The alkalizing of water and any water based air breathing organism allows for increased storage and even the creation of dc current, especially when mixed with other components / chemicals. Its effects on human health were recently illustrated when Canadians in Espanola, Ontario, reported mass illness after low-flying U.S. jets strafed their town with condensation trails containing aluminum coated fibers (chaff). Ive read reports that at full power these transmitters can cook all life within 1/4 mile. Its no joke any more, sadly though theres always the chance I could be wrong, at this point maybe 2%, though I pray I am every day. Since they were such a pain, I figure most folks haven't missed them yet--if this situation is not just a local (East TN) thing. They want to control the world and our food supply. 70. In the center of almost all these creatures there is a controlling fibrous substance / structure which appears to control and or direct growth. Soil testing expensive? You can see some more pictures Just last year, EPA cited major studies which found that even moderate air pollution can trigger sudden death by changing heart rhythm in people with existing cardiac problems. Some people must accept the thing they can not change or stand at the edge screaming like a blithering idiots asleep or wide awake. Native American Indians used to dorain dancesso water would fall from the sky and nurture their crops; now, the weather control technology that the US government is currently utilizing is killing almost everything in its path, and isnothinglike its Indigenous predecessors techniques. Ever wonder why America is the most obese country on the planet? Keep an eye out for these seven signs that you may have a dying tree so you can take care of it before it does damage to your property. Dumping fuel at just 5000 feet results in the fuel evaporating before it ever gets close to the ground. To this day you cant get them to tangle up. Not only do they stick to it but will grow quite rapidly, the red ones in particular. Barium was reportedly used by the U.S. as a weapon in the Gulf War to make the enemy weak and ill. Aluminum is toxic to the nervous system and deleterious to the brain. Elite bankers use chemtrails to destroy the soil and manipulate the weather. You have been to many funerals and there is always the thought that one day you will be in a casket. This is already evidenced on you tube videos of police brutality, and reported treatment of the local citizenry. When I first moved here in 2002, bats would patrol my porch at night and hummingbirds by the dozens would feed off this porch. It started as a pinhead size tan speck in the bottom of my jar. We must put a stop to this chemical poisoning. At this point I realized I needed, cameras as no one would believe any of this, All of them (still gets FDA approval, youll eat some tonight probably), All of them (its now in over 8,000 foods, click, 6 to 10 at least (read the back, its poison, call them). I kid. because I love all Gods creatures and understand its my duty to defend them at my own expense, not because its what God commands, because its the right thing to do!!!! By hiding in plain sight, we spray chemicals that can change breeding patterns, eating patterns, and even thought patterns. How many de-classified US documents of experiments on populations with chemical and/or bio. None. This is why apathy doesnt work and when we saw the spraying, (or were exposed to terrible injustices, the Kennedys, Vietnam, Waco, 911 etc.) Please. The predominant health effects of this chemtrail type are eye mucus and inflammation. Meet The President Who Donates 90% Of His Salary to Charity, Taco Bell Latest to Admit to Horsemeat in Beef Products, Worlds Largest Bee, Thought to be Extinct, Spotted in Indonesia, Yikes: U.S. In summary you want to know why our, birds, bees, frogs, and now bats (there are few bugs left) are dying, (nary an apple found on this mountain this year, and my return trip from Idaho almost no huckleberries had grown).Its undeniable that we and all life forms are under deliberate chemical and biological nano attack, DOE and DOD are most likely involved, your tax dollars at work (to kill you with soft-kill, high profit pharmaceutical weapons). Ive been to houses which have ventilation hoods and where the people dont smoke, yet even in those houses sunlight can be seen streaking in through the blinds and is written off as just dust particles. Emissions include carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons such as methane, sulfates (SOx), and soot and metal particles. 90 Yochanan ben Zakai,c. No, their bark is turning white from the ground up as if they are pulling something up from the soil. Problem reaction solution, and no doubt this is not the only problem this is causing.. I have read that chemtrails make the atmosphere conductive which allows them to use their HAARP technologies with greater effectiveness. What are they ultimately trying to do up there is create charged-particle, plasma beam weapons. Leftist fear mongering tactics, they want everyone to worry themselves to death. Forests in the Pacific Northwest are literally imploding which were thriving only a decade ago. Well if you bother to open the door to mas basement and go outside you might notice that the trees-all of them are looking poor! (My air collector can be made for about $35) For the most part I no longer photograph morgellons fibers in spider webs, they are far too frequent and no longer a surprise. After 30+ years of aerosol spraying, the results are finally showing up on the ground. Psychotronic weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction by the U.N. HAARPs can create earthquakes and can also x-ray the earth to find underground military bases, gold, or oil reserves. Taken together with the aurora keyhole through-your-roof satellite surveillance system, Echelon electronic computer/phone sweeps, plasma-cloaked DOD Drug War helicopters and stealths, implants, and cameras on the street, it constitutes one, big global and space control grid. Our country has a history of experimenting on its citizens. That the chemicals removed by me, found in our air / blood, water and urine is providing an enriched environment for the accelerated growth of these synthetic model organisms. -. Trees are dying sure, but to count them or give each one a name..Come on? By Paul Craig Roberts - January 8, 2023Never before have there been massive excess deaths following vaccination.Never before have there been children, young adults, athletes in their prime, entertainers, dropping dead "cause unknown" following vaccination.Of course, the . It is hard for the government to fool knowledgeable people about their spraying of chemtrails that is why they rely so heavily on people who believes their lies and see the chemtrails as contrails but if we ever get the majority of people to wake up the government wouldn't be able to continue to lie about the chemtrails or anything else.

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trees dying from chemtrails